Fiction Contest (and LA Celebrity Sightings)

Okay, all you aspiring young authors out there: You complained that the AvonFanLit contest is only for adults (and US residents) over the age of 18. Well, now HarperCollins US has come up with a fiction contest for you under-18-year-olds as well—and I'm one of the judges! Click here for details! ( And don't act […]

Baby Daddy Drama

Every morning right before I wake up I have the same dream: I am in high school. But I am 39 and a half years old. And married. And live in Florida. But people are telling me I have to choose a college. I have to choose one RIGHT NOW. And I keep saying, “But […]

NOT Written from Chateau Marmont

I'm writing this from sunny Los Angeles! Everything really is better when you're sitting on a sun-drenched balcony with the Hollywood sign in the background, it turns out. For instance, I hardly even remember anymore that it has been TWENTY DAYS since I last my husband or cats, and that I have FIVE MORE TO […]

Lindsay Strikes Back

Dear Miss Cabot, I understand that recently in your blog you linked to several stories that have appeared online lately about me forgetting to put on underwear. I am surprised you would feel compelled to comment upon this, considering the fact that you are such close personal friends with Paris Hilton. Surely you'll have noticed […]

I’m Stylish

What the heck, people??? Everyone but me is turning out to be a princess! This one seems EXTRA princessy. If you have any spare cash, send it her way—she's rebuilding a school that was destroyed in the village over which she will one day rule! Meanwhile, check this out: It's me and my new boyfriend […]

My NEW New Boyfriend

Here's a picture of my new boyfriend: Yes, I have given up on Warren Buffett. I'm sorry, Warren, but I have a found new love with whom even you, with all your philanthropy, cannot compete. Yes, my new love is Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle (not to be confused with Josh Strickland—but TARZAN, AS PLAYED […]

Lindsay, Put On Some Pants!

Oh, Lindsay. But before we get to Lindsay, check out who I met when I was on the show “10!” in Philadelphia yesterday: Sandi Thom. She was very cool (even if her bandmates did eat all the chocolate doughnuts in the green room). I got her CD. It's fab. (Thanks to Michele Jaffe for enlightening […]

Makeout Guy = Major Disappointment…AGAIN!

Makeout Guy never emailed me. Was it wrong of me to think he might read my blog? I'm not saying that I think that ALL my exes do. But I was kind of hoping he might have seen the thing I posted about our ill-fated romance and send an email saying he was sorry about […]

Why I Write Funny Books

When I was in college…. …I took this creative writing workshop through my dorm, the excellent Collins Living Learning Center. To live in Collins—which is the most beautiful (and progressive) dorm on the Indiana University campus (and possibly anywhere), and always reminded me of Harper Hall, where Menolly goes to school in the Dragonsinger books […]

Special note to UK and NYC residents

Shout out to my UK and NYC readers! UK readers–Check it out! I have a brand new, never-been-published-anywhere-else-before book out today EXCLUSIVELY in England! It's this:According to my UK publisher, “this jam-packed princess-fest is essential reading for all fans of The Princess Diaries series – as well as every cool girl who wants an annual […]


Let's face it. Sometimes authors go insane. I'm not feeling particularly sane at the moment because I just finished writing a book and it was super intense and I didn't go out for like three weeks straight and now I feel like one of those mole people I made up when this producer at ALL […]